Supply Chain Sustainability Research: How Businesses Are Building Greener Shipping Networks

Get research-backed insights when you download the supply chain sustainability study.

Companies are more focused on sustainability than ever before.

As the mounting effects of climate change continue to impact global supply chains, that focus will only continue to intensify.

Today’s supply chain professional plays a central role in developing and executing their company’s sustainability programs. They are tasked with finding smarter ways to reduce waste — not just cost, but also miles and emissions.

Whether you are….

  • Preparing for conversations with company leadership about how to reduce carbon footprint
  • Developing a new sustainability initiative
  • Advancing an existing sustainability program

…it’s important to understand what’s happening in the wider marketplace.

Download Supply Chain Sustainability Study Now


How Shippers Approach Supply Chain Sustainability: Get Research-Backed Insights

Insight into how industry peers are approaching sustainability can provide useful benchmarks as you look to reduce waste in your own network.

This report details original research that will help companies start driving a smarter, more sustainable supply chain into the future.

Get more insights like this: 

Who is responsible for managing sustainability at companies. It's most often a supply chain manager or a sustainability team.


What You'll Learn in This Supply Chain Sustainability Report:

  • How shipper's sustainability programs influence consumer behavior
  • How companies are responding to consumer demands for sustainability
  • Where supply chain fits into a company's sustainability program
  • If shippers use sustainability as a deciding factor in RFPs
  • Shipper ROI on sustainability programs
  • Core supply chain sustainability KPIs

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