Volatility continues to rule the truckload market 20 months into the COVID-19 pandemic. Demand is rising, but carrier capacity, the supply side of the equation, has been suppressed by a number of interrelated factors.

Get updated on Q4 2021 U.S. truckload market trends with Coyote’s SVP of Yield Management, Sean Fahey as he breaks down our proprietary Coyote Curve index.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this update:

  • 01:38 How the Economy Is Driving Trucking Demand
  • 04:17 How to read the Coyote Curve forecast
  • 05:50 Q3 2021 Spot & Contract rate recap
  • 06:43 Updated Q4 Coyote Curve forecast
  • 08:30 Factors causing volatility in the truckload market 13:43 What shippers should do to prepare

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Use these four resources to deepen your knowledge, learn where the market is today and how to prepare your supply chain for what’s next.

3-Step Course for Logistics Professionals:

  1. Read the full truckload market guide for logistics professionals.
  2. Check out the latest Coyote Curve® Truckload Market Guide.
  3. Download our monthly freight market cheat sheet.