Zach Gilstrap’s Humanitarian Operations, Severe Weather Tips Profiled in Supply Chain Digital

Before severe weather strikes, you should be sure to know your supply chain comprehensively, from top to bottom, so you understand how each piece may be impacted by disruption of any other piece.

– Zach Gilstrap, General Manager, Humanitarian Logistics, Coyote Logistics

With a role like General Manager, Humanitarian Logistics, Zach Gilstrap has a unique perspective on the global supply chain and Coyote’s place in it.

He shared some of these insights recently in a Q&A profile published by Supply Chain Digital that touched on the specifics of his role, some of Coyote’s capabilities that help us stand out among 3PLs and his tips for extreme weather preparedness. He even closed with some sage advice to his younger self about building strong and lasting relationships in our highly collaborative industry.

The work Zach does across the globe is one of the most important functions a logistics company can provide, and we’re proud to see him highlighted as a thought leader in this vital space.

Read the Article

Publication: Supply Chain Digital
Coyote Leader: Zach Gilstrap, General Manager, Humanitarian Logistics
Topics: Supply chain strategy, extreme weather preparedness


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