Coyote’s Kyle Lane Shares Expedited Shipping Tips Alongside Other Experts in Inbound Logistics

When selecting an expedited provider, shippers should aim to partner with a company that can be agile with their supply chain and offer insight and strategy during critical moments.

– Kyle Lane, Senior Manager of Final Mile and Partial Expedite, Coyote Logistics

The range of Coyote experts sharing their knowledge of our wide array of service offerings in industry press continues to grow.

Kyle Lane head shotSenior Manager of Final Mile and Partial Expedite Kyle Lane was recently quoted extensively in the Inbound Logistics article “9 Quick Tips to Maximize Expedited Shipping.” Kyle’s contributions covered the importance technology, an experienced team and a fully vetted carrier network for an expedited provider.

Perhaps his sharpest insight was the idea that a great expedited provider can take a holistic enough view of your needs to help you avoid expediting whenever possible. This mindset is what helps us build such strong relationships with shippers who know they can turn to is in a pinch and trust us for the long haul.

Read the Article

Publication: Inbound Logistics
Coyote Leader: Kyle Lane, Senior Manager of Final Mile and Partial Expedite
Topics: Expedited shipping


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