“Produce season affects capacity everywhere — not just in produce regions — and for everyone — not just produce shippers.”

– John Morel, SVP, Sales, Coyote Logistics

Produce season is starting to pick up across the U.S., and our SVP of Sales John Morel wants to help shippers prepare, whether they’re moving fresh fruits and veggies or not.

John recently published an article in Food Logistics explaining why this annual demand pattern impacts refrigerated shippers not only in produce-heavy regions but in every lane. He also offered four tips for surviving the season, from planning for strained capacity well ahead of time to leaning on well-connected 3PLs who can leverage their networks to find you capacity in a pinch.

While produce season challenges North American shippers every year, insights like the ones John shared in this article show how we’re here to help you make it through.

Read the Article

Publications: Food Logistics
Topics: Produce season, refrigerated shipping

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