Jack Gerstner Shares Freight Security Insights in 2 Major Industry Publications

“The more you can plan, collaborate and work together, the better chance you’ll have of keeping cargo safe in the long term.”

– Jack Gerstner, SVP, Coverage, Coyote Logistics

As a member of our internal freight security steering committee, SVP of Coverage Jack Gerstner has been thinking a lot about ways to prevent cargo theft.

Jack Gerstner, SVP, CoverageIn recent weeks, he’s shared some of the insights he’s gained from this important work with major logistics industry publications. He’s published tips for preventing cargo theft in both Supply & Demand Chain Executive and Supply Chain Brain that he hopes will help shippers and carriers plan shipments thoughtfully, communicate openly and do their due diligence to avoid unfortunate incidents.

He also details some specific and creative new ways in which bad actors are attempting to steal freight so that logistics professionals everywhere understand the threats we’re currently facing and how to combat them.

We’re proud to have Jack out there representing us on this important issue as an advocate for everyone who is doing things the right way. These articles themselves are part of the crucial mission of information sharing that can drive stronger freight security measures across the supply chain.

Read the Supply & Demand Chain Executive Article

Read the Supply Chain Brain Article

Publications: Supply & Demand Chain Executive, Supply Chain Brain
Topics: Freight security, cargo theft prevention

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