This time of the year is hectic for everyone, so we want to make it as easy as possible to get paid for your Peak Season work.

Below is everything you need to know to properly invoice Coyote for your UPS Peak Season shipments.


How can I submit invoices?

We offer two different ways for you to submit your Peak freight invoices.

  1. Use CoyoteGO®. In our digital freight platform, you can upload all relevant documents, submit your invoices and check payment statuses. It’s simple!
  2. Submit a completed invoice via email. You can download the invoice template and follow its instructions. When it’s complete, submit your invoice and a backup copy to or to if you are in Coyote’s 2-day Quickpay program.

We recommend you create an account in CoyoteGO today and take advantage of its user-friendly features for submitting your own documents. But if you’re not ready to use the platform at this time, we’re happy to process your manually submitted invoices as well.

Create a CoyoteGO Account

Already have a CoyoteGO Account? Click here to sign in.

What do I need to do to invoice a local (LCL/LCD) shipment?

If you’ve moved local Peak freight for UPS this season, you need to include the following in your invoice:

  • UPS Route Code.
  • All trailer numbers moved for each run.
    • If invoicing via CoyoteGO, please use the Proof of Delivery (POD) field to submit trailer numbers.
  • Tolls must be itemized on the invoice for each route and receipts are required for reimbursement.

What do I need to do to invoice an expedited shipment?

To get paid for expedited shipments, you only need to provide your invoice and toll receipts if you are billing tolls. We also recommend keeping an eye out for updated rate confirmations, as expedited loads can frequently change destinations.

  • Toll receipts/statement must be submitted to carrier rep prior to invoicing. (Updated rate confirmation will be sent)

Do I need a BOL or POD?

We’ve done what we can to streamline the invoice process for you during this busy time. That’s why you will not need the following for any local or expedited Peak loads moved:

  • A traditional BOL or POD.
  • An LMA or detailed routing guide (not required, but helpful).

How do I receive payment for loads hauled with Coyote?

All carriers who haul in Coyote’s network must be signed up for TriumphPay to receive payment. For more details about the TriumphPay open payment platform and how to register, consult our Carrier FAQ.


What should I do if I have questions?

Our Peak Season team is available to help you out with any questions or concerns you might have.

You may submit any questions regarding billing, rates, tiers or anything else related to driving during Peak Season to or by phone at 773-365-6453.

Thanks again for being a part of our Peak Season push. We couldn’t do it without you!

Statement on Coyote Supporting UPS Peak

Coyote will continue to support UPS with our Peak solutions through the acquisition process and after the pending deal is complete. Payment processes and operations will remain unchanged this year. For more information about the acquisition, please view the press release.