My Smart Routes Q&A: How to Get Guaranteed Weekly Revenue and Minimize Empty Miles for Your Whole Fleet

As a freight carrier, you always want to spend as much of your time and energy as you can generating revenue by actually hauling freight.

Finding that freight is a necessary but time-consuming part of this process, and one that you want to handle as efficiently as possible to keep your wheels on the road. And if you have multiple drivers and trucks in your fleet, you need to devote even more resources to securing loads, planning routes and keeping your network balanced.

But what if there was a way to:

  • Secure guaranteed weekly revenue* for one or more drivers in your fleet?
  • Ensure each of your drivers winds up in their desired location at the end of every week?
  • Minimize empty miles with digitally optimized dynamic route planning?
  • Let a trusted 3PL handle it all, including finding and booking loads?

We’ve created a more intelligent way to find freight, book in bulk and manage your fleet, and we’re calling it My Smart Routes.

Learn how it can benefit carriers of all sizes and how to take advantage of this great opportunity.

*Subject to Coyote's standard terms and conditions.


What Is My Smart Routes?

My Smart Routes is the name of both a weekly route optimization program for carriers and the proprietary internal software platform that powers it. It’s available for both full truckload and power only carriers in our network.

When you sign up for the program, all you need to do is provide us with a list of drivers and vehicles you want to enroll and your desired starting and ending locations for your drivers on a weekly basis.

We’ll take care of the rest.


How Does My Smart Routes Benefit Carriers?

First and foremost, My Smart Routes helps ensure your drivers stay in continuous motion, able to generate revenue and mileage year-round. But more specifically than that, you’ll benefit from:

  • Guaranteed revenue. You’ll agree to a weekly rate for drivers enrolled in the My Smart Routes program, and you’ll be paid out in full even in the event that a load falls through.
  • Dynamic route optimization. You won’t get locked into an itinerary at the beginning of the week. Our software lets us match you with the best possible loads for your drivers’ available service time and current location.
  • Happier drivers. When you participate in My Smart Routes, your drivers will always know they’ll wind up back at their domicile at the end of the week if that’s where they want to be. 

Think of it as signing up for peace of mind for your fleet. It takes some of the most frustrating parts of being a carrier out of the equation and can keep your operation focused on moving freight instead of finding it.


Why Does My Smart Routes Work?

We’re able to keep your fleet loaded and on the move through My Smart Routes thanks to three key strengths that make it work.

1. Our Technology

The proprietary software platform at the heart of My Smart Routes is the biggest factor in its success. It uses your drivers’ location and weekly goals to filter the active loads in our internal freight matching platform and identify ones optimized for your success.

2. Our Network

The most powerful software in the world would be useless if there wasn’t any freight for it to match you with. Fortunately, our position as a leader in the logistics space means we have a shipper network of over 15,000 companies who move more than 10,000 loads per day with us in North America. Any one of them can help fill out your My Smart Routes weekly plan.

3. Our People

Even though you’ll be matched to freight digitally, your drivers will still enjoy access to the people they trust. Our experienced carrier reps will continue to be your points of contact for tracking updates, incident reports and anything else you need while hauling with us.


How Many Trucks and/or Drivers Do I Need in My Fleet to Sign Up for My Smart Routes?

There’s no upper or lower limit to the number of drivers you need to be eligible. Our software will work just as well for an owner-operator as it will for a fleet of hundreds.

However, we do find that the benefits the program offers scale with the size of your business. The larger your fleet, the more significant the headaches you likely encounter trying to keep it balanced and avoiding empty miles. Our system really shines when it can create optimized routes for multiple drivers at once.

And you’re never locked into any number of drivers with My Smart Routes. If your fleet grows or shrinks, or if you want to test it out with a few of your drivers before adding more to the mix, we can easily accommodate the change at a moment’s notice.


How Do I Get Started?

If you’re currently a member of the Coyote carrier network, you can either reach out to your rep and ask about signing up for My Smart Routes or fill out the interest form below to get the enrollment process ready.

If you’re not yet a member of our network, you can still get started with the My Smart Routes interest form, but you’ll have to join the network in order to participate in the program.

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