We know meeting your customers' increasing demands is not easy. Providing consistent, excellent service takes a lot of your time, energy and resources.

To help you better deliver on your promises and improve your Coyote experience, we reward high-performing carriers with enhanced access to our large, diverse marketplace on our digital freight platform.


The Coyote Carrier of Choice Program

To improve your digital Coyote experience, we recently made several upgrades to CoyoteGO®. It is now even easier to browse and book available loads, submit status updates and get paid. 

Currently, all network carriers with CoyoteGO access — both desktop and mobile — can view the Coyote load board and submit offers on the freight they want.

For high-performing carriers that meet parameters around digital tracking, on-time pick up and delivery performance, and load volume, we're taking it a step further.

We reward high-performing carriers for their hard work.

Benefits are based on a tiered rating system, called the Coyote Carrier of Choice Program. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of available rewards and the requirements for each tier.


Coyote Carrier of Choice Program Tiers


Carrier of Choice Tier Requirements chart


Rewarding High-Performing Carriers

We designed these performance-based tech features to specifically benefit high-performing carriers like you. When you meet and exceed service standards, you get instant access to the freight you need. 

Shippers can rest assured knowing that premier carriers have priority access to their freight. It’s a true win-win.

"We know how much work carriers put in to meet shippers’ evolving expectations.

That’s why we’re excited to reward our contracted carriers that go above and beyond to meet these standards for our customers with incredible new technologies.”

– Colin Wright, VP, Carrier Sales and Operations at Coyote


If you have questions, or would like to learn more about the Coyote Carrier of Choice program, reach out to your Coyote rep. Soon, you could have access to exclusive perks.


How to Take Advantage of Carrier Rewards

  1. Make sure you have have a CoyoteGO account.
  2. Provide automated location updates while hauling Coyote freight.
  3. Apply carrier best practices to your operations.
  4. Learn from fellow carriers who go above and beyond.


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