Un nuevo estudio revela 81% de empresas más centradas en la sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro
Coyote Logistics encuesta a transportistas de todo el mundo para evaluar enfoques de gestión de la cadena de suministro sostenible y oportunidades de crecimiento futuro en el último estudio de investigación.
CHICAGO — October 1, 2020 — As more industries and businesses prioritize sustainable practices in order to build a greener future, Coyote Logística, a leading global third-party logistics (3PL) provider, released the results of its latest proprietary research study titled “Gestión sostenible de la cadena de suministro: impulsando un futuro más inteligente y sostenible.” The study revealed that 81% of companies are more focused on sustainability today than they were three years ago, and to be successful their supply chains must play an integral role in owning sustainable initiatives across their networks.
Realizado en asociación con una empresa de investigación de mercado de terceros Martec, la encuesta analizó la posición actual de los transportistas globales en materia de sostenibilidad para obtener una mejor comprensión de cómo los líderes de la cadena de suministro la abordan y dónde ven las mayores oportunidades de crecimiento. Se encuestó a 250 transportistas globales de diversas industrias, tamaños de empresas, verticales y niveles de antigüedad para explorar los hábitos de compra y las percepciones sobre la evolución hacia una cadena de suministro más sostenible.
“At Coyote, we understand the industry is prioritizing sustainability today more than ever before, and that this trend will only continue. As a leader and innovator within the supply chain, Coyote is committed to delivering insights and innovative solutions that support sustainable practices, which are being driven by our Colectivo de Coyote industry forum,” said Mike Sinkovitz, SVP of Coyote Transportation Management. “With our advanced technology, proprietary research and over a decade of industry experience, we’re uniquely positioned to support the advancement of sustainable processes across a wide range of logistics services. The first step is understanding where the industry stands today, which is why we are eager to share the results of this study.”
En particular, el estudio encontró que la tendencia hacia la sostenibilidad dentro de la cadena de suministro es dominante entre empresas de todos los tamaños, y lo mismo ocurre en diferentes verticales. Este compromiso común refuerza que, independientemente del tamaño de la empresa o del sector, la sostenibilidad llegó para quedarse. A medida que las organizaciones buscan implementar cambios en sus propias redes, necesitan el apoyo colectivo de todas las áreas comerciales, a menudo con la cadena de suministro a la vanguardia de estas iniciativas.
“Sustainable practices and operations are now the expectation among customers and key stakeholders. As a result, supply chain professionals need to prioritize these initiatives across their entire networks to achieve continued success,” said Sinkovitz.
Los consumidores influyen en los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro
To better understand how important sustainability is to the consumers that drive supply and demand, the survey investigated their perspectives about purchasing products or services from brands that operate in a way more favorable for the environment, including in their approaches to supply chain management. 84% of respondents were more likely to base a purchase decision on a brand’s sustainability practices. In response to this trend, 77% of companies with revenues between $1M–$199M have increased their focus on sustainability within the last three years. This reinforces the importance of green practices for consumers and the acknowledgment of this trend among shippers.
Consumer loyalty based on sustainable efforts was also clearly demonstrated. 61% of respondents noted their willingness to wait longer for the delivery of their purchases if they know it’s better for the environment. Despite this, same-day and next-day delivery options are commonplace.
“The study’s data clearly outlined this juxtaposition between consumers’ desire for quick deliveries and sustainable shipping practices. Delivering on both requires a holistic, collaborative effort from all members of the supply chain,” said Sinkovitz.
Debido a la mayor demanda de productos y servicios más respetuosos con el medio ambiente, es fundamental centrarse en la sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro: 98% de transportistas globales ahora tienen al menos un miembro del equipo dedicado a iniciativas ecológicas. Sin embargo, sólo 25% van un paso más allá y exigen información sobre sostenibilidad en sus RFP, lo que muestra una falta de consenso sobre cómo planificar y medir el desempeño.
Qué significa esto para la cadena de suministro
Dado que cada vez más transportistas globales tienen miembros de equipo dedicados centrados en iniciativas de sostenibilidad y que 81% está más centrado en estos esfuerzos que hace tres años, es evidente que se está reconociendo la necesidad. Los profesionales de la cadena de suministro están estableciendo objetivos de sostenibilidad a largo plazo que esperan alcanzar en los próximos cuatro o cinco años.
The supply chain has “woken up” to the fact that sustainability should be prioritized if lasting success is to be achieved. Companies reported sustainability practices generated a return on investment (ROI) based on key performance indicators, which included cost savings (67%), benefits to company reputation (59%) and reflection of industry leadership (52%), among others.
Whether members of the supply chain have already implemented environmentally friendly practices or they’re just getting started, prioritizing sustainability is going to be critical to achieve continued success. The data uncovered in the survey serves as a guide to support these efforts and represents a starting point in the pursuit of a more sustainable future within the supply chain.
Para descargar los resultados completos de la estudiar, que incluye un desglose de los datos y los encuestados, o para transmitir el seminario web sobre la investigación, que se transmitirá aquí hoy a las 9:15 am CDT, visite coyotelogisticseventos.com.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo Coyote está ayudando a los transportistas a mejorar su desempeño de sostenibilidad a través de una mejor utilización de los activos de la flota privada, conversión intermodal, consolidación LTL, gestión de RFP y análisis de redes visitando coyote.com/sustainability.
Coyote Logistics is a leading global third-party logistics provider that combines a diverse, centralized transportation marketplace matching more than 10,000 shipments every day. Coyote offers a comprehensive multi-modal solutions portfolio — including truckload, less than truckload (LTL), intermodal, air and ocean, and cross-border — with data intelligence and market insights to help empower our customers’ business growth in a rapidly changing world. Headquartered in Chicago, Coyote has more than 3,000 employees operating in 19 offices worldwide. For more information, please visit: Coyote.com.
The Martec Group specializes in solving difficult problems. Our approach to market research ensures that our clients receive a deeper understanding of their customers, markets, and opportunities. We’ve completed thousands of projects in B2B and B2C markets during our 35 years in business. We collaborate with our clients to customize each project to suit their needs and take a consultative approach to each client relationship. Our office locations include Chicago, Detroit, Frankfurt, Shanghai, and Beijing. Please visit: www.martecgroup.com.
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Contactos de prensa para Coyote:
Bill Theis, Logística Coyote
(773) 799-2510