La integración de API beneficia tanto a los transportistas como a los transportistas al agilizar los procesos, mejorar la eficiencia y la precisión y construir una relación más duradera entre proveedores y clientes.

– Scott Quest, Director de Integración, Coyote Logistics

When Director of Integration Scott Quest talks about the benefits of API connection for shippers and freight providers, he speaks from years of experience. Now he’s shared those insights widely in the latest edition of Supply Chain Quarterly.

Disparo a la cabeza de Scott QuestIn his recent article for CSCMP’s industry publication, Scott gives an overview of what API integration is, the kinds of data shippers and providers can share in real-time when they’re connected, and important ways API integration helps businesses save time and money by simplifying processes and reducing errors.

He wraps up by offering three great tips for getting the most out of a data-sharing integration with your provider. It’s valuable advice from a true freight data expert for any shipper who’s wondering whether they should get connected.

Leer el artículo

Publicación: Cadena de suministro trimestral
Líder Coyote: Scott Quest, Director de Integración
Temas: API de carga


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