Managing & Paying for Individual Shipments: CoyoteGO Premium User Guide

coyote go premium chapter 4 header tile

Once you’ve built and tendered a shipment in CoyoteGO® Premium, there’s still plenty you can do to see it through to its successful completion.

We’ve taken all the intuitive freight management tools we developed for our core CoyoteGO digital freight platform and smoothly integrated them into this cloud-based TMS. These features help you be as hands-on as you want as a user of our logistics management software.

This chapter of our CoyoteGO Premium user guide is your primer on each of these tools. It’s all you need to know to take total control of each individual shipment you move through the platform.

In this chapter, you’ll learn:

Tracking and Updating Shipments in CoyoteGO Premium

All logistics managers know that your job is far from over when your tender is accepted by a carrier. You’ll want to track your shipment, both for your own records and to keep your customers updated accordingly.

And if requirements or expectations change for a shipment you’ve already initiated, you’ll want to be able to quickly jump in and update it as well.

To do all of this in CoyoteGO Premium, search through your My Shipments dashboard for any specific shipment and click on it to open it. This will bring you to a details page for your shipment with five sub-menu headings. Each of these is an area of detail that you can customize and manage on an induvial shipment level.
load details page



Prior to tendering your shipment you can add additional stops, edit address or consignee information, and update stop requirements for your existing stops.

You can view a chronological list of milestone events and check-ins (added by yourself or other users), add a new tracking note, or see the dispatch status of your shipment.

Upload or view any documentation pertaining to your load (bills of lading, shipping labels, etc.). CoyoteGO Premium accepts .txt, .pdf, .jpeg, .doc, .ppt, and .xls file formats.

This is where any additional charges (accessorials, detention, etc.) will display that accrue during the completion of your shipment. See more about financials in CoyoteGO Premium below.
Tender Status

You can view whether your tender has been accepted by your chosen carrier, as well as accept or reject spot quotes from this page.


Managing Exceptions in CoyoteGO Premium

If an issue arises while one of your shipments is in process, it will appear in the “Exceptions” tab of your My Shipments dashboard. Clicking to open this tab will bring you to a list of all current shipments that need your attention.

When you click on a shipment from the Exceptions list to open it up, you will see the same view and options you find when you open it from the “All Shipments” list. Any errors, missing data or urgent updates should be visibly flagged for you, giving you the opportunity to respond to or correct them.
exceptions tab in my shipments dashboard

We care deeply about our reputation for outstanding customer service, and we’re actively working to create the best experience possible for all the shippers who work with us. For more about our issue resolution process and our continual efforts to improve it, read our customer care blog post.


Digital Financials in CoyoteGO Premium

The last menu heading to cover for your individual shipment management needs is the Financials menu, which contains links to the “Accessorials” and “Accounting” pages. This is where you go to settle your bills and pay for your shipments in CoyoteGO Premium.


The “Accounting” page is your central hub for viewing invoices and making payments for your shipments. Upon opening this page, you’ll see the following information for each open shipment:

  • Shipment status
  • Payment due date
  • Load number
  • Reference number
  • Load date
  • Origin
  • Destination
  • Amount owed

You’ll also see two links: one to download the applicable invoice for the charges listed here and one to pay your bill instantly.
accounting page

If you’ve moved the shipment in question with a carrier in the Coyote network and booked it through our brokerage, you’ll have three options for making payments:

  • Credit card: Available for pre-payment only.
  • Request Coyote credit: Apply for either instant credit with a $5,000 limit or unlimited full credit available in up to one week and contingent upon satisfactory credit references.
  • Direct bank transfer: Available from U.S.-based bank accounts. Incurs no additional fees; payments post to CoyoteGO Premium instantly and are transferred from your bank account within 2-3 business days.


When incidental charges arise during the completion of a shipment, they will appear here. You’ll see a list of all your outstanding accessorials, which you can sort in a drop-down list or search by:

  • Charge type
  • Date
  • Carrier name
  • Load number
  • Origin
  • Destination

Just like on the “Accounting” page, you’ll have the ability to make a payment or download your invoice for each charge on this list. The same payment options will apply as well.

Payments to Carriers Outside the Coyote Brokerage

While one of the greatest strengths of CoyoteGO Premium is your ability to tender freight to any truckload carrier or broker in North America, you are only able to pay directly in the platform for shipments you move with Coyote as the broker.

Your carrier will invoice you separately if they are outside the Coyote network or if your shipment was tendered according to your contractual agreement with them. Please contact these carriers directly with any questions about modes of payment or payment terms.

Want to See Seamless Freight Management in Action? Schedule a Demo

If you really want to dig into the details about shipment management in CoyoteGO Premium, there’s no better way than to see it in action.

Schedule a demo with our support and onboarding team today to check out all the platform’s hands-on features that can put you in control of your freight network. If you have a Coyote shipper representative, you can speak to them to set up a demo meeting, or you schedule one yourself by following the link below.

Schedule a Demo


Read the Full CoyoteGO Premium User Guide

Chapter 1: Demo & Implementation

Chapter 2: Using the Dashboard & Tendering Freight

Chapter 3: Routing Guides

Chapter 4: Managing Shipments & Financials

Chapter 5: Analytics Reports